Design Studio 1

Part A

By Jane Sun on August, 2017

For this part of the project, we selected the final concept idea and made further design investigation for the implementation. The above two homepage mockups are the first interfaces I have designed for the concept. The one on the left has a modern style to symbolized the innovative and novel method to visualize the data. The second one is the final solution we used for the project. To emphasize the theme of the project, we decided to use the vintage style for the entire website. The most important inspiration for the design came from the award-winning website 'A State of War'. After settled on the style, I made a further exploration of how to visualize the data and finished definition of project scope and background research in the concept document. The section explains the ideal effects of the websites as well as specialties of our project comparing with existing works. My other works for this project includes defining the web content structure, technical solution research, and interface design for primary web pages shown in the following slider.

Process: After the design exploration, we were formed into groups to continue with the major project. The concept 'Queensland-Music Box' stood out in our group discussion. The design process from here followed the User-Centered Design framework. As the sitemap is ready and the first interfaces are defined, we prepared to conduct our early user testing with a paper prototype.

Reflection: The initial idea for design concept is to make a simple website but highlight and strengthen the theme of music and interaction. As we have already decided to use the Music Box concept, the most significant challenge we are facing now is the technical issues. According to the concept document's feedback , we should explore more about our target users and be more realistic while we are making project plans. The project risks and challenges should be examined closely so that we could have a proper strategy to over the problems. Furthermore, at the current stage, we still have some confusion about the different functionalities of the website sections. It requires a testing session to sort out the current conceptual model. The testing results and evaluation were recorded in part B.