Graphic Design

Just the Fact 2

Concept Poster

By Jane Sun on June, 2017

For this infographic, I practice the skill of representing a portion based fact.

The information given in the original fact is very limited. So, I searched for more information to be added to the fact. From the fact, we can see that majority of American workers prefer to drive alone to work. One of the consequences of this is the air pollution. Therefore, I checked the total number of U.S workers and an average CO2 emission rate of a car. I timed the factors together and got the final number of 600,000 tonnes of extra greenhouse gas emission than if they could share their car with a least one other person. To visualize the data, I used the bar chart to represent the different rate of traveling together and traveling alone.

Green color for the background represents life and wellbeings. Yellow at front shows that this is a warning.